I think if there is one thing that the Mountain Man would change about me, (besides the temper but really, I think he enjoys that.) it would be my magic world.
Sometimes when the world stops making sense and people stop saying the lines the way I want them written; I retreat into my magic world. It's in my head and to go there, I go lie down and build it up. It's not a place, It's my world the way I want to see it. It is my safety zone. It's my place to hide when the light of day burns too hard on reality.
I've always had it as long back as I can remember.
It was there to protect me growing up and comfort me when I got older. It was there when I lost Deanna and if I really, really faced the reality of that I was sure that I was going to break into a million pieces and never get back together.
Some people call it denial, some people call it coping mechanisms, some even say it's meditation. All I know is it's safe.
In this world;
1. A teddy bear can be my best friend.
2. People will love you back just because you love them so much.
3. My children are vibrant, charismatic amazingly gifted individuals who respect and adore their mother.
4. I am thin.
5. You can win if you just try hard enough.
6. Nobody says goodbye or dies. They just go away for a little while.
7. Everyone plays fair.
8. People actually get what they deserve.
9. There are no earwigs.
10 Catie will get married in a dress I designed and made for her when she's 30 and she will adopt children. (So I don't have to deal with the Mountain Man trying to convince himself Catie has immaculate conceptions.)
11. Cancer, Diabetes, Pain and Addiction do not exist.
12 My children know that I am the fount of all wisdom of parenting and let me raise their children by proxy.
13 Everyone Dresses Well. (It's MY world after all.)
14 My Gramma will live forever.
15 Dishes, laundry and dusting do themselves.
16 I live just down the street from my family and can visit them anytime I want.
17 Dogs don't shed.
18 Teenagers have a legal limit on cologne and perfume.
Can you see where this would be a great world to live in?
PS. And Spiders do not exist in this world.
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