Monday, December 06, 2010

Religious Comfort

Caitlin is still perfect.  (Where did this child come from?)  She's doing track at school, just beat all her friends in pool, making a perfect blend of Lorente/Smith-Missett genes by taking her perfect hand/eye co-ordination, (Lorente) and turning it into something morally questionable. 
She had me in tears the other day.  Having coffee we had a rather pious, horrible little woman spouting religious platitudes at my neighbour, (the one who lost her daughter Fran.)  (I wouldn't have let her in my door normally but Marion brought her here---Probably to avoid the justifiable homicide trial.)  This woman told Marion she should, "Accept God's will.  God has a plan for us, he knows everything [and he even knows] how many hairs we have on our head." 
To which my daughter mumbled under her breath, "Must be one helluva bored God, counting peoples hair."
Then the woman came out with, "He sees even the tiniest butterfly fall from the sky."
Caitlin sub-vocal answer, "But he doesn't catch it."
What made me choke on my peas was, "God knows what's best for us."
Caitlin's answer, "When was he planning on telling us?  Kind of like one of those surprise birthday parties where you're just out of the shower and you're naked."
After the (oddly) affronted lady, left my daughter turned to Marion and said,
"The only thing she was right about is that God knows what happened to you and he worries. (S) He sends you nice people like me and mummy to give to you lots of hugs."
Which we did.
I like my daughter's God.
Gotta go

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